Monday, February 20, 2006

Mardi Gras

I went to my first (and probably last) Mardi Gras in New Orleans this past weekend with some of my fellow AmeriCorps members. I never really had any inclination of attending, but I did enjoy myself. We spent Saturday night walking around Bourban St.--very interesting! I couldn't help but picture some scenes from John Grisham novels. :) We crashed at a couple's home that had volunteered here in Biloxi and they were great. They took in 10 of us and they had us sleeping in every possible place. It was a great sleepover. On Sunday, we went to see the parades which was very fun.
Honestly, I'm very glad I went. I probably won't ever be this close or have such a fun group to go with. It really comes down to who you go joke. :)
In other news, 10 more days here in Biloxi before we head back to Charleston. I've really enjoyed my time here, but I am getting a little weary of the tent. Actually, I think I caught a cold and I'm trying hard to fight it, but when there isn't much heat because the tents lose power in the middle of the night, there's not much you can do. :) I will miss being called "baby," I think. Everyone calls me baby here. It's a cultural thing and it's kinda fun.
More later.
Grace and Peace.

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