Monday, April 10, 2006

Heading to Chucktown

Today was our last day at Terry's house. He cooked us another wonderful and amazing crawfish boil and it was YUMMY!!!!! Seriously, I don't know what I'm going to do without all this good food that I've grown accustomed to. :( And all the wonderful people. Glen, the shrimp expert, asked if he adopted me if I could stay. And I said yes, so he adopted me. So...I'm not leaving after all.

Just kidding. :)

Overall, this has been a project of the heart. Digging deep to remember why I joined this program and what my purpose for being here is. I struggled against a lot of things, health issues, work issues, emotional junk all -- what made it worth it was the homeowners. The popel in this part of the country are so hospitable and warm. I had no idea! If it hadn't been for this program, this magical adventure called AmeriCoprs, I never would have met so many wonderful people and experienced so much new culture.

I'm off to enjoy my last afternon with the kids that we tutor twice a week. It will be hard saying goodbye.

Grace and peace.

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